At RDW Book & Paper Conservation, we understand the significance of preserving musical scores. Our music binding service offers comprehensive solutions for the storage and conservation of musical compositions.

Conservation Bookbinding Falkirk, Scotland
Key Features:
- Expert Rebinding and Conversion:Our skilled staff is adept at rebinding music or converting it from paperback to hardback. We use either cloth or the original cover, ensuring a meticulous restoration process.
- Repair and Resewing for Flat Presentation:Musical compositions often require delicate handling. We offer repairs and re-sewing services to ensure that music lies flat when open, allowing for convenient use.
- Customised Solutions for Individual Scores:Tailoring our services to individual needs, we incorporate pockets for individual scores. These scores are then rebound using stiff card covers or cloth, with parts lettered in black or gold, specifying the instrument.
- Solander Boxes for Effective Storage:We can preserve music sets effectively by encasing them in solander boxes. This method enhances storage and facilitates easy handling, ensuring the longevity of the musical compositions.
UK Music Binding Services
At RDW Book & Paper Conservation, we combine expertise with skills for preserving music literature. Contact us for a professional assessment of your musical scores, and let us help you ensure the longevity of your musical compositions.
Harmonise the past with the future at RDW Book & Paper Conservation in Falkirk, Scotland.